The purpose of the village newsletter, It Takes a Village, includes keeping the residents of the village and area informed of what is going on with the 60+ groups and organizations in Pugwash. Reports of past events and festivals and upcoming events are welcome. Political comment and business advertising are not permitted. All authors are identified with bylines and photographs with a cutline.
The newsletter is published by the Village of Pugwash. It is generally published quarterly, in March, June, September and December (as staff workload permits). For the sake of copying costs it is printed in grey-scale, but is posted online in colour. It is distributed to 750-800 homes in the Pugwash postal district area. Additional copies are kept at the library and some downtown stores.
The deadline is two weeks before the next edition publish date.
Any Pugwash and area non-profit group or organization is encouraged to send submissions for inclusion. The author of written submissions and the photographer of any photos sent in must be identified.
When writing your article, please remember to:
- identify your sources,
- "anonymous" is not a legitimate source,
- keep the word count down to 250,
- do not advertise a business, for profit organization, a religion or political party,
- send high resolution colour photographs,
- get permission from the people in the photographs to be published,
- identify who is in the photograph
- no prosletyzing,
- send your logo,
- send before the deadline.
The editor (the village Clerk) retains the right to edit for content and crop photographs for size.
Please send your articles and photographs to:
For more information call: 902.243.2946
The next edition will be published: